paellas bogotá |

 Central Paellera

Hice la orden a través de whatsapp, yo no vivo en Colombia y es muy difícil dar con un buen lugar de paellas si no le puedes probar, me lancé sin saber para el cumpleaños de mi mami, ordené para 12 personas lo cual alcanzó para todos, les gustó mucho el sabor, llegó 1 hora antes de lo acordado y llevaron pan de acompañamiento el cual estaba muy rico también.

Totalmente satisfecha, de precios no se mucho puesto que pago con conversión y no me afecta tanto, sin embargo siento que vale la pena pagarlo.

I made the order through whatsapp, I don't live in Colombia and it's very difficult to find a good paella place if you can't try it, I jumped in without knowing for my mom's birthday, I ordered for 12 people which was enough for everyone They really liked the taste, it arrived 1 hour earlier than agreed and they brought accompanying bread which was also very tasty.

Totally satisfied, I don't know much about prices since I pay with conversion and it doesn't affect me that much, however I feel it's worth paying for it.

Our top keywords :-

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Central Paellera - Paella A Domicilio


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